Conference Fair

The NTO is proud to present achievements, best practices and background information on combating tax crimes of affiliated tax authorities and partners that will participate in our 1st NTO Technical Conference.

Serious Financial Crime Taskforce by Australian Taxation Office (ATO)

The Serious Financial Crime Taskforce (SFCT) is an ATO-led joint-agency taskforce bringing together taxation, law enforcement and prosecution powers. Current focus includes cybercrime, offshore tax evasion, illegal phoenix activity and serious financial crime affecting the ATO administered COVID-19 stimulus package. The SFCT priorities incorporate domestic and international enablers of tax and financial crime.

Further information on SFCT is available here.

The Ten Global Principles 

This document complements Fighting Tax Crime – The Ten Global Principles, Second Edition and reports the results, by jurisdiction, of self-assessments that were undertaken to benchmark domestic frameworks against the Ten Global Principles. It covers the legal, institutional and operational frameworks that are in place within those jurisdictions for fighting tax crime and other financial crimes, highlights best-practices and identifies areas for further improvement. The information contained in the country chapters was submitted by and under the responsibility of the participating jurisdictions (, 2021).

Read the chapter on Australia and other countries here.

Joint Chiefs of Global Tax Enforcement (J5)

The Joint Chiefs of Global Tax Enforcement (J5) is an operational alliance between Australia, Canada, the Netherlands, the UK and the US, formed to lead the fight against international tax crime, targeting the professional enablers who make global tax evasion possible. The first major J5 operational activity took place in January 2020. A coordinated day of action was undertaken across all 5 countries. The day of action involved evidence, intelligence, and information collection activities such as search warrants, interviews and subpoenas. Significant information was obtained and investigations ensued, with the potential for further criminal, civil and regulatory action to arise from these actions in each country.

Further information on J5 is available here.

Manuel de sensibilisation au blanchiment d’argent et au financement du terrorisme à l’attention des contrôleurs et auditeurs fiscaux 

A representative from Internal Revenue Service - Criminal Investigation (IRS:CI) will have a presentation on the inter-relationship between terrorist financing, money laundering, and tax evasion. It will emphasize on how tax administrators – with their often unique authorities and extensive financial investigative expertise – may effectively support law enforcement & prosecutors’ offices, as well as internal security organizations.  

The content will draw from the Handbook published by the OECD: "The purpose of this handbook is to raise the awareness level of tax examiners, auditors, and investigators, of their role in combatting these illegal activities by: 

  • Describing the nature of money laundering and terrorist financing activities so that tax examiners and auditors can better assist criminal investigators in countering these crimes; 
  • Providing guidance in identifying money laundering and terrorist financing during the conduct of normal tax audits; 
  • décrivant les ressources et outils qui sont disponibles pour une détection et une dissuasion efficace (, 2021
  • Describing the resources and tools that are available for effective detection and deterrence" (, 2021

Read the entire handbook available in English French and Spanish.

Tax Administrations In The Fight Against Illicit Fincial Flows - a Case of Uganda

A representative from the Uganda Revenue Authority will present a case of Uganda on the topic Illicit Financial Flows and how tax administrations are combating them. The presentation includes the following topics:

  • IFFs Enablers in Uganda
  • URA Perspective
  • Strategic Interventions
  • Main Challenges
  • Way Forward

Please download the presentation "Uganda's Response to IFFs" here.