Promoting networking and mentorship for women in tax: a manual of the NTO

While the journey may be long, gender balance in the tax sector is possible. This NTO Manual serves as a tool in driving this progress across different regions. By leveraging the influence and technical expertise of NTO member organisations, meaningful change can be fostered within their affiliated tax administrations.
This NTO initiative represents a significant step towards creating a more inclusive and equitable tax sector.

Tax systems are not commonly associated with the advancement or mainstreaming of gender equality in society. Tax administrations typically focus on processes like revenue collection, compliance, and risk management, often leaving gender considerations on the periphery.

In light of this, the Network of Tax Organisations (NTO) presents its latest product, the Manual for the Establishment of Networking and Mentorship Programmes for Women Tax Professionals. The primary objective of the Manual is to facilitate knowledge exchange and mentorship among women in the tax sector — a field traditionally dominated by men. The Manual also seeks to inspire new entrants to the tax sector, providing guidance and support to develop professional competencies for aspiring women tax professionals.

manual mockup

By encouraging greater participation from women, the NTO aims to enhance the equity of tax systems and ensure that women's perspectives are included into decision-making processes, policy development, and tax administration design, among others. Promoting the inclusion and participation of women in the tax field not only benefits women tax professionals but also increases the capacities of tax administrations and improves the equitability of tax systems, contributing to broader societal equity.

The Manual addresses a gap in the field by highlighting a networking and mentorship platform in the regional and international tax arena. While it offers general guidance, its implementation can be tailored to the unique characteristics of the piloting members. In other words, the Manual does not provide a one-size-fits-all solution but allows NTO members to adapt it to their specific circumstances, ultimately owning the process themselves.


Background and motivation

The development of the Manual was inspired by the webinar “Mainstreaming Gender in Tax Administrations”, hosted by the NTO in April 2023. The webinar featured presentations and perspectives from representatives of the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) Pakistan, the Zambia Revenue Authority (ZRA), and the African Tax Administration Forum (ATAF).

nto webinar tax and gender

Screenshot taken during the NTO webinar "Mainstreaming gender in tax administrations", held on 27 April 2023.


During the webinar, Nana Akua Achiaa Mensah, one of the Manual's co-authors, discussed the ATAF Women in Tax Network (AWITN). AWITN is a unique platform that connects African women working in the field of taxation, including those from governmental and non-governmental institutions, academia, civil society, and aspiring professionals with an interest in tax. Beyond empowering women in the tax field, the network advocates for discussions and studies on the impact of tax policy on gender equality in African countries. The virtual event sparked significant interest, with many participants expressing a desire for similar initiatives in their regions.

Recognising the success of AWITN, the Network of Tax Organisations sought to create a product that could replicate and adapt this model for use by NTO members. The Manual builds on the foundation laid by AWITN, offering a scalable solution that can be tailored to different contexts and regional needs within the NTO's global network. What began as an initiative reaching only ATAF members now has the potential to impact over 180 tax administrations affiliated with the NTO member organisations. By leveraging their unique positions, NTO member organisations can drive meaningful change that impacts these tax administrations.

“Change comes from within”. A significant feature of the Manual is that it is a member-driven initiative. ATAF identified this gap in Africa and developed AWITN, which was incubated and nurtured within the Network. Today, it has the potential to expand globally.


The way forward

The Secretariat of the NTO is collaborating with the Secretariats of the Cercle de Réflexion et d’Échange des Dirigeants des Administrations Fiscales (CREDAF) and the Pacific Islands Tax Administrators Association (PITAA) to present the Manual to their respective memberships in September 2024. CREDAF and PITAA are the first members of the Network of Tax Organisations that will pilot a networking a mentorship programme for women tax professionals, based on the Manual. The programme will be officially launched for a six-month period – starting in September for PITAA and in October for CREDAF – with 10 and 15 participants, respectively.

The experiences of PITAA and CREDAF, as well as the exchanges within their regions and networks, can bring to light meaningful lessons, challenges, best practices, and strategies that can serve other NTO members and regions in the future.

Insights from PITAA's and CREDAF's experiences with piloting the Manual will unfold in time, offering valuable perspectives for the broader NTO community.


Links of interest:

PITAA-NTO launch Women in Tax Pilot Mentorship Programme

women in tax