The 6th Network of Tax Organisations (NTO) General Assembly will be held from 4-5 December in Rome, Italy. On this occasion, the Assembly will be hosted by the Italian Revenue Agency, a member country part of the Intra-European Organisation of Tax Administrations (IOTA), a member of the NTO.
The Assembly has several key objectives for its upcoming session. First, it will monitor the progress and implementation of the NTO workplan for 2023. In this line, it will closely review the outcomes of the 2nd NTO Technical Conference.
Secondly, the assembly will focus on validating the NTO workplan for 2024, ensuring that it is comprehensive, realistic, and aligned with the NTO priorities. In this regard, NTO members will agree on the NTO Calendar of events for 2024, facilitating coordinated planning for the upcoming year.
Strategic discussions will take place concerning the future of the NTO, addressing governance, financial sustainability, and member contributions. Finally, the assembly will serve as a platform for NTO members to share updates and make contributions, promoting collaboration and knowledge sharing within the network.