2024 ATI General Assembly: Equity and Sustainability - Building Progressive Tax Systems
The Addis Tax Initiative (ATI) will hold its 2024 General Assembly from 18 to 20 June 2024, focusing on "Equity and sustainability: building progressive tax systems". In a time where environmental degradation and social inequality challenge global stability, this year's theme underscores the crucial task of further developing progressive tax measures and green taxation measures, thereby fostering a dual commitment to social equity and environmental sustainability.
Since its establishment in 2015, the ATI has played a crucial role in promoting fair and efficient domestic resource mobilisation (DRM), essential for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). As the annual flagship event of the ATI, the assembly will guide the initiative strategically by highlighting the needs and priorities of ATI partner countries and strengthening their engagement in implementing the ATI Declaration 2025 and its commitments. The 2024 General Assembly will provide a forum for the 74 members of the ATI to review progress and challenges in achieving the four commitments of the ATI Declaration 2025 and to showcase their work in DRM. The meeting will encourage open discussions on coordinated technical cooperation in DRM-related activities. External participants and experts are invited to contribute technical insights on specific agenda items, ensuring a comprehensive and inclusive dialogue on the future of tax systems globally.
On the agenda
The three-day event will feature key panel discussions, including Leveraging digitalisation to boost equitable property taxation and The Triple Dividend: using environmental taxation to increase tax fairness and reduce inequality. These panels will explore how tax policies can leverage digital innovations to improve property tax systems and employ environmental taxation to generate revenue while addressing social inequities.
The side event Exploring gender dimensions in tax expenditures: advancing policy debates and informed decision-making will address how tax expenditures impact gender dynamics, by presenting evidence on the transformative potential of gender-sensitive fiscal policies in fostering inclusive socio-economic development.
Spotlight sessions will provide a space for ATI members to present relevant work recently conducted on DRM issues, and Consultative Group meetings will offer opportunities for members to provide updates and discuss key topics for the implementation of the four ATI Commitments reflected in the ATI Declaration 2025.
The assembly will conclude with timely discussions on the future role of ATI after 2025, in light of the upcoming debate at the Fourth International Conference on Financing for Development (FFD4) in 2025.
You can find further information in English, French, and Spanish, including the preliminary programme, on the event site.
For more information, please visit the ATI’s website or contact secretariat@taxcompact.net