CIAT's Ethics Toolkit for improving integrity within tax authorities
The ATI/ITC Tax & Development Conference 2019 offered a chance to exchange on how improving ethics in tax administrations can contribute to Domestic Revenue Mobilisation. After Gayline Vuluku (Assistant Manager, Strategy Innovation and Risk Management, Kenya Revenue Authority) brightly reported on the Kenyan experience, Alejandro Juárez Espindola (Director, Direction on Training and Human Development, CIAT) presented the CIAT Ethics Toolkit, comprising trainings and self-assessment tools for tax administrations officials to improve integrity within government. At the 2019 General Assembly in Cuba, members of Centro Interamericano de Administraciones Tributarias (CIAT) suggested to transform its long-standing committee in an NTO Ethics Committee, thereby opening the platform to tax administrations worldwide. Watch that space and find out more here about CIAT Ethics Toolkit: https://lnkd.in/dwNTNUd.