
WEBINAR: Mainstreaming Gender in Tax Administrations

Flyer available in English, French and Spanish

Recognising the need to embrace gender equality in tax systems and building on the interest of NTO members to engage on the topic of tax and gender, the Network of Tax Organisations (NTO) will host a webinar on the topic on 27 April 2023. The event will bring together experts and country examples in a webinar that will focus on different ways of addressing gender inequality in the field of taxation, with a particular focus on tax administrations. In doing so, it aims at contributing to closing the gender inequality knowledge gap and fostering close collaboration, exchange of best practices, and discussion on the interaction between tax and gender  using the concrete country cases of Pakistan and Zambia.

Tax systems have significant implications for gender equality and require intentional consideration and adaptation on the part of policymakers. This has been particularly pressing in the post-COVID world where many underlying gender inequities have been exacerbated.

In addition to addressing gender inequality on its own right, closing gender gaps could help countries achieve a sustainable and a more diversified economy, higher levels of productivity, and better prospects for the next generation. Even though the fiscal system can be used as a strong tool to address gender inequality, countries are increasingly raising revenues from regressive tax structures that potentially affect women’s livelihoods, while foregoing revenue from large corporations, transnationals, and high net-worth individuals due to tax incentives and ineffective enforcement.

Please find the detailed programme of the upcoming webinar in the flyer. You can also find further information on other NTO events and much more here.