Network of Tax Organisations
The Network of Tax Organisations (NTO) is a network of regional and international tax organisations that aims to develop a global platform to strengthen tax systems around the world for the wellbeing of citizens.
The NTO was founded in May 2018 in Ottawa, Canada, and brings together 10 member organisations that represent over 180 national tax administrations worldwide. Jointly, NTO aims to develop the capacity of NTO members and foster international collaboration and dialogue on tax in support of effective Domestic Revenue Mobilisation (DRM).
For the period of 2022-2025, NTO members have set for themselves the following priorities:
- Develop a vibrant platform for peer exchange and collaborations among members. This will be achieved by ensuring the systematic and recurring review of NTO members’ needs, creation of expert working groups on priority tax themes, technical peer learning events for tax administrations, study tours, and staff exchanges among members. These ensure that NTO members stay connected, share their experiences, collaborate, and learn from one another.
- Facilitate access to a global body of tax administration knowledge by establishing a library of high-quality content for tax knowledge quality assurance. In addition, the NTO will conduct systematic and periodical review of NTO member offerings to identify opportunities to share technical knowledge resources.
- Develop new knowledge resources for tax administrations by developing programmes on validated member priority topics to meet the evolving needs of members.
- Ensure synergy and complementarity with development partners and stakeholders within the international tax arena by developing a stakeholder management strategy, identifying existing initiatives that development partners support, and further support the filling of capacity building gaps among regional tax organisations (RTOs). This ensures strengthened cooperation and no duplication of efforts within the global tax space.
- Play an international collaborative role: The NTO will promote itself as a platform for international collaboration and dialogue on tax in the international tax arena by deepening intergovernmental and interregional discussions among NTO members and keep members up to date on current developments within international tax workstreams.
- Strengthen NTO governance by enhancing strategic communications, establishing a monitoring and evaluation system, and ensuring regular steering of the network.
Structure and funding
NTO membership is voluntary. The main governing bodies of the NTO are the NTO Assembly, the NTO Council, the Head of Council, the Focal Points, the Working Groups, and the NTO Secretariat. The NTO Secretariat is facilitated by the International Tax Compact (ITC) which is funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and co-funded by the European Union. The ITC is implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH.
The NTO activities are supported by the ITC and also funded through the in-kind contributions of its members.
For more details on the NTO governance structure, please click here.